Mount Ida, AR FHA Loans

The Mount Ida, AR FHA home loan is a great choice for borrowers looking to buy a home with little money down.  When home buyers choose FHA it allows for easier credit score qualification.  In most cases you can qualify with 580 credit scores.  FHA is even offering options for credit scores under 580, larger down payments are required in most cases.  FHA does offer grants for down payments in Mount Ida. Find out if you are FHA Grant eligible by calling 888-767-0554. FHA home loan experts are standing by and ready to help.  Connect with a licensed FHA specialist, ask questions, check credit, and get free quotes.

Finding the Perfect Home Loan

Thousands of consumers across the Mount Ida, AR are ready for home ownership.  Securing the right Mount Ida home loan doesn’t have to be hard, we have solutions for less than perfect credit and even those with little savings or down payment. To help home buyers overcome challenges we offer more programs and the extra benefit of wholesale rates.  We simplify the home buying and refinancing challenges presented by 2025 mortgage guidelines. Our mission is to get you approved for an FHA mortgage and into your home with payments you can afford. Even if you think you won’t qualify, our highly trained specialists will work with you closely on an individual basis to:

  • Review your finances to find a payment you can afford.
  • Improve your credit score if needed to qualify.
  • Obtain pre-approval to shop for an FHA Eligible Home.
  • Secure a loan and purchase your new home!

Working around Credit Issues with Top Rated Specialists

Our FHA team is celebrating its 28th year in business.  Our experience allows for consumer mortgage confidence especially with first time home buyers in Mount Ida, AR.  We navigate consumers through the mortgage process,  explain options and find what choice works best for you. We specialize in more than just FHA mortgage loans.  Check out consumer home buyer GRANT options, USDA loans and our Bad credit home loan options.

Get on the Path to Home Ownership. We got your Back!
Buy a Home with Little Money Down
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    Once this form is completed you will have the option to start your USDA mortgage application.

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    FHA Benefits in Mount Ida, AR

    • Low down payment
    • Low 30 year terms
    • Easier credit qualification
    • FHA grant programs available
    • No application fee
    • Use gifts for down payment

    Find your FHA Mortgage in Mount Ida, AR 888-767-0554.

    In Greek mythology, two sacred mountains are called Mount Ida, the “Mountain of the Goddess”: Mount Ida in Crete, and Mount Ida in the ancient Troad region of western Anatolia (in modern-day Turkey), which was also known as the Phrygian Ida in classical antiquity and is mentioned in the Iliad of Homer and the Aeneid of Virgil. Both are associated with the mother goddess in the deepest layers of pre-Greek myth, in that Mount Ida in Anatolia was sacred to Cybele, who is sometimes called Mater Idaea (“Idaean Mother”),[1] while Rhea, often identified with Cybele, put the infant Zeus to nurse with Amaltheia at Mount Ida in Crete. Thereafter, his birthplace was sacred to Zeus, the king and father of Greek gods and goddesses.[2]

    The term Ida (Ἴδη) is of unknown origin. Instances of i-da in Linear A probably refer to the mountain in Crete. Three inscriptions bear just the name i-da-ma-te (AR Zf 1 and 2, and KY Za 2), and may refer to mount Ida [3] or to the mother goddess of Ida ( Ἰδαία μάτηρ). In Iliad (Iliad, 2.821), Ἵδη (Ida) means wooded hill, and reminds the mountain worship in the Minoan mother goddess religion.[4] The name is related with the nymph Idaea, who according to Diodor was the mother of the ten Kuretes.[5] Idaea was also an epithet of Cybele. Romans knew Cybele as Magna Mater (“Great Mother”), or as Magna Mater deorum Idaea (“great Idaean mother of the gods”), equivalent to the Greek title Meter Theon Idaia (“Mother of the Gods, from Mount Ida”).[6] Proclus considered it as the “mount of the Ideas”, whence its etymology.[7]

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